Self-hostingInstall & Deploy Guides

Add rawManifest Files

The Bitwarden self-host Helm Chart allows you to include other Kubernetes manifest files either pre- or post-install. To do this, update the rawManifests section of the chart.

Traefik IngressRoute example

For example, to install Traefik's IngressRoute as an alternative to Kubernetes' Ingress controller, add the following:


In this example, you would also need to disable the ingress controller at general.ingress.enabled: within your my-values.yaml file.

rawManifests: preInstall: [] postInstall: - apiVersion: kind: Middleware metadata: name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" spec: stripPrefix: prefixes: - /api - /attachments - /icons - /notifications - /events - /scim ##### NOTE: Admin, Identity, and SSO will not function correctly with path strip middleware - apiVersion: kind: IngressRoute metadata: name: "bitwarden-self-host-ingress" spec: entryPoints: - websecure routes: - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-web passHostHeader: true port: 5000 - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/api/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-api port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/attachments/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-attachments port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/icons/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-icons port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/notifications/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-notifications port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/events/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-events port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/scim/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-scim port: 5000 middlewares: - name: "bitwarden-self-host-middleware-stripprefix" ##### NOTE: SSO will not function correctly with path strip middleware - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/sso/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-sso port: 5000 ##### NOTE: Identity will not function correctly with path strip middleware - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/identity/`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-identity port: 5000 ##### NOTE: Admin will not function correctly with path strip middleware - kind: Rule match: Host(`REPLACEME.COM`) && PathPrefix(`/admin`) services: - kind: Service name: bitwarden-self-host-admin port: 5000 tls: certResolver: letsencrypt

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