Self-hostingInstall & Deploy Guides

Azure AKS Deployment

This article dives into how you might alter your Bitwarden self-hosted Helm Chart deployment based on the specific offerings of Azure and AKS.

Ingress controllers


An nginx ingress controller is defined by default in my-values.yaml. If you use this option:

  1. Create a basic nginx ingress controller.

  2. Uncomment the values in the general.ingress.annotations: section of my-values.yaml and customize them as needed.

Azure Application Gateway

Azure customers may, however, prefer to use an Azure Application Gateway as the ingress controller for their AKS cluster.

Before installing the chart

If you prefer this option, before installing the chart you must:

  1. Enable the Azure Application Gateway ingress controller for your cluster.

  2. Update your my-values.yaml file, specifically general.ingress.className:, general.ingress.annotations:, and general.ingress.paths::

    general: domain: "" ingress: enabled: true className: "azure-application-gateway" # This value might be different depending on how you created your ingress controller. Use "kubectl get ingressclasses -A" to find the name if unsure. ## - Annotations to add to the Ingress resource. annotations: "true" "false" # This might be true depending on your setup. "bitwarden-ingress" # Make note of whatever you set this value to. It will be used later. "true" # Update as necessary. "30" # Update as necessary. ## - Labels to add to the Ingress resource. labels: {} # Certificate options. tls: # TLS certificate secret name. name: tls-secret # Cluster cert issuer (e.g. Let's Encrypt) name if one exists. clusterIssuer: letsencrypt-staging paths: web: path: /(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific attachments: path: /attachments/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific api: path: /api/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific icons: path: /icons/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific notifications: path: /notifications/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific events: path: /events/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific scim: path: /scim/(.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific sso: path: /(sso/.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific identity: path: /(identity/.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific admin: path: /(admin/?.*) pathType: ImplementationSpecific
  3. If you're going to use the provided Let's Encrypt example for your TLS certificate, update spec.acme.solvers.ingress.class: in the script linked here to "azure/application-gateway".

  4. In the Azure Portal, create an empty rewrite set for Application Gateway:

    1. Navigate to the Load balancing > Application Gateway in the Azure Portal and select your Application Gateway.

    2. Select the Rewrites blade.

    3. Select the Rewrite set button.

    4. Set the Name to the value specified for in my-values.yaml, in this example bitwarden-ingress.

    5. Select Next and Create.

After installing the chart

After installing the chart, you will also be required to create rules for your rewrite set:

  1. Re-open the empty rewrite set you created before installing the chart.

  2. Select all routing paths that begin with pr-bitwarden-self-host-ingress..., de-select any that do not begin with that prefix, and select Next.

  3. Select the Add Rewrite rule button. You can give your rewrite rule any name and any sequence.

  4. Add the following condition:

    • Type of variable to check: Server variable

    • Server variable: uri_path

    • Case-sensitive: No

    • Operator: equal (=)

    • Pattern to match: ^(\/(?!admin)(?!identity)(?!sso)[^\/]*)\/(.*)

  5. Add the following action:

    • Rewrite type: URL

    • Action type: Set

    • Components: URL path

    • URL path value: /{var_uri_path_2}

    • Re-evaluate path map: Unchecked

  6. Select Create.

Creating a storage class

Deployment requires a shared storage class that you provide, which must support ReadWriteMany. The following example is a script you can run in the Azure Cloud Shell to create an Azure File Storage class that meets the requirement:


The following is an illustrative example, be sure to assign permissions according to your own security requirements.

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n bitwarden -f - kind: StorageClass apiVersion: metadata: name: azure-file namespace: bitwarden provisioner: allowVolumeExpansion: true mountOptions: - dir_mode=0777 - file_mode=0777 - uid=0 - gid=0 - mfsymlinks - cache=strict - actimeo=30 parameters: skuName: Standard_LRS EOF

You must set the sharedStorageClassName value in my-values.yaml to whatever name you give the class, in this example:

sharedStorageClassName: "azure-file"

Using Azure Key Vault CSI Driver

Deployment requires Kubernetes secrets objects to set sensitive values for your deployment. While the kubectl create secret command can be used to set secrets, Azure customers may prefer to use Azure Key Vault and the Secrets Store CSI Driver for AKS:


These instructions assume you already an have Azure Key Vault setup. If not, create one now.

  1. Add Secrets Store CSI Driver support to your cluster with the following command:

    az aks enable-addons --addons azure-keyvault-secrets-provider --name myAKSCluster --resource-group myResourceGroup

    The add-on creates a user-assigned managed identity you can use to authenticate to your key vault, however you have other options for identity access control. If you use the created user-assigned managed identity, you will need to explicitly assign Secret > Get access to it (learn how).

  2. Create a SecretProviderClass, as in the following example.

    The parameters section of the following YAML file is accurate for most environments. However, depending on your setup, you may need to change some values; for example, cloudName should be set to AzureUSGovernmentCloud for Azure US Government Cloud. Consult Microsoft's documentation for full details.

    The parameters section also contains <REPLACE> placeholders that you must replace, and will be slightly different depending on if you are using the included SQL pod or using your own SQL server.

    cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -n bitwarden -f - apiVersion: kind: SecretProviderClass metadata: name: bitwarden-azure-keyvault-csi labels: secrets annotations: spec: provider: azure parameters: useVMManagedIdentity: "true" # Set to false for workload identity userAssignedIdentityID: "<REPLACE>" # Set the clientID of the user-assigned managed identity to use # clientID: "<REPLACE>" # Setting this to use workload identity keyvaultName: "<REPLACE>" cloudName: "AzurePublicCloud" objects: | array: - | objectName: installationid objectAlias: installationid objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: installationkey objectAlias: installationkey objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: smtpusername objectAlias: smtpusername objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: smtppassword objectAlias: smtppassword objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: yubicoclientid objectAlias: yubicoclientid objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: yubicokey objectAlias: yubicokey objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: hibpapikey objectAlias: hibpapikey objectType: secret objectVersion: "" - | objectName: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL objectAlias: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL objectType: secret objectVersion: "" tenantId: "<REPLACE>" secretObjects: - secretName: "bitwarden-secret" type: Opaque data: - objectName: installationid key: globalSettings__installation__id - objectName: installationkey key: globalSettings__installation__key key: globalSettings__mail__smtp__username - objectName: smtppassword key: globalSettings__mail__smtp__password - objectName: yubicoclientid key: globalSettings__yubico__clientId - objectName: yubicokey key: globalSettings__yubico__key - objectName: hibpapikey key: globalSettings__hibpApiKey - objectName: sapassword #-OR- dbconnectionstring if external SQL key: SA_PASSWORD #-OR- globalSettings__sqlServer__connectionString if external SQL EOF
  3. Use the following commands to set the required secrets values in Key Vault:


    This example will record commands to your shell history. Other methods may be considered to securely set a secret.

    kvname=<REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name installationid --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name installationkey --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name smtpusername --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name smtppassword --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name yubicoclientid --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name yubicokey --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name hibpapikey --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> az keyvault secret set --name sapassword --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE> # - OR - # az keyvault secret set --name dbconnectionstring --vault-name $kvname --value <REPLACE>
  4. In your my-values.yaml file, set the following values:

    • secrets.secretName: Set this value to the secretName defined in your SecretProviderClass.

    • secrets.secretProviderClass: Set this value to the defined in your SecretProviderClass.

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