Password ManagerVault Basics

Vault Items

Did you know that Bitwarden can securely store more than just usernames and passwords? There are four types of items you can store in your vault; logins, cards, identities, secure notes, and SSH keys:

Logins are most often used to store username and password combinations, passkeys, and support TOTP seeds for premium users. Whatever plan you are on, we recommend giving every login a URI for easy autofill:

Login item
Login item

Cards can be used to securely store credit or debit card information:

Card item
Card item

Identities can be used to store billing, mailing, and most other types of information you might need when filling out online forms:

Identity item
Identity item

Secure notes can be used to store encrypted freeform text for anything you want protected:

Secure note item
Secure note item

SSH keys can be stored, generated and accessed with the Bitwarden desktop app:

SSH key item
SSH key item


You can import items directly into your vault from most password managers or web browsers.

Individual & organizational vaults

Many Bitwarden users will have access to an individual vault and an organization vault. Learn how to use and manage each vault effectively:

Filter vault items

You can filter which items to list by a few different characteristics. To filter vault items:


  • Select a characteristic from the Filter column (in the following screenshot, Login).

  • Select one of the colored cards next to an item (in the following screenshot, either Me or My Organization).

Web app filtering
Web app filtering

Use the Vault, Collection, Folder, or Type selectors at the top of the Vault tab. You can turn show and hide the filter dropdown menus with the button:

Browser extension filters and suggestions
Browser extension filters and suggestions

Choose a vault by selecting the Vault menu button () on the Vaults tab:

Filter vaults on mobile
Filter vaults on mobile

Select a vault from the left-most column (in the following screenshot, My Vault or My Organization):

Desktop Filtering
Desktop Filtering

Use the bw list command with the --organizationid option, which can take either an organization identifier or null, to list items by vault. Learn more.

Manage vault items

You can add, edit, and delete vault items from any Bitwarden app:

Manage an Item
Manage an Item
Manage an item
Manage an item

Tap an item to open it, or tap the icon to add a new item:

Add or open an item on mobile
Add or open an item on mobile

When viewing an item, tap the icon to edit, or tap the options menu to edit:

Manage an item on mobile
Manage an item on mobile
Manage an Item
Manage an Item

For more information, refer to the Bitwarden CLI documentation.

In addition to adding, editing, and deleting vault items, you can clone items to create duplicates, move items to an organization, and protect items on an individual basis.


You can clone any item that you have ownership of if you want to create a duplicate of the item. Cloning items owned by an organization can be only done from the web app in the Admin Console or from Vaults view by owners, admins, and users with Can manage access to the collection in which the item is kept:

Select Clone from the Options menu.

In the Vault tab, select the Options menu for the item and choose Clone from the dropdown.

Open the item and tap Clone in the Menu.

Open the item and select the Clone Item option.

Assign to collections

If you're a member of an organization, you can assign vault items to your organization's collections, transferring ownership of the vault item to the organization. To share with other organization members, use the menu:

Assign to collections
Assign to collections

Learn more about organizations, collections, and sharing.

Protect individual items

For any item, you can activate the Master password re-prompt option from the Add or Edit screen to require verification of your master password to access or autofill sensitive vault items:

Master password re-prompt
Master password re-prompt

Master password re-prompt will behave slightly differently depending on which app you're using, for example:

  • In the web app and browser extension, viewing the item or editing anything about it with this enabled will require you to re-enter your master password.

  • On desktop apps, and mobile apps, only viewing hidden fields (e.g. passwords, hidden custom fields, credit card numbers) will require you to re-enter your master password. Editing anything about the item will also require you to re-enter your master password.

Users who do not have master passwords, for example those in organizations using SSO with trusted devices or Key Connector, will have master password re-prompt disabled for them. Additionally, trusted contacts using emergency access will not be required to re-enter a master password in order to view a protected vault item.


Master password re-prompt is not an encryption mechanism. This feature is an interface-only guardrail that a sophisticated user may find ways to work around. We recommend never leaving your vault unlocked when unattended or on a shared workstation.

Vault trash

Deleted items are sent to the trash, where they remain for 30 days after deletion. Once 30 days have elapsed, the item will be permanently deleted and not recoverable.

In the trash, you can Restore an item to your vault or Permanently delete it prior to the 30-day waiting period using the menu:


Next steps

Now that you understand the basics of working with vault items, we recommend:

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