Microsoft Sentinel SIEM

Microsoft Sentinel is a security information and event management (SIEM) platform that can be used to monitor Bitwarden organizations. Organizations can monitor event activity with the Bitwarden Event Logs app on the Microsoft Dashboard.


To setup the Bitwarden integration, an active Azure account with access to Microsoft Sentinel is required, as well as a Bitwarden organization in which you have the required access permissions.

Install the Bitwarden app to your Microsoft Sentinel dashboard

  1. Navigate to your Microsoft Sentinel dashboard. Select your workspace or select New to add Microsoft Sentinel to a new workspace.

    Sentinel New Workspace
    Sentinel New Workspace
  2. Navigate to apps catalogue

  3. third step if required

Connect your Bitwarden organization

Once the Bitwarden Event Logs app has been installed to your Microsoft Sentinel dashboard, you can connect your Bitwarden organization using your Bitwarden API key.

  1. Go to the dashboard home and select the Bitwarden Event Logs app.

  2. Select Data connectors from the navigation menu. Then, select the menu for your workspace and Open connector page.

    Open connector page
    Open connector page
  3. Keep this screen open, on another tab, log in to the Bitwarden web app and open the Admin Console using the product switcher:

    Product switcher
    Product switcher
  4. Navigate to your organization's SettingsOrganization info screen and select the View API key button. You will be asked to re-enter your master password in order to access your API key information.

    Organization api info
    Organization api info
  5. Return to the Microsoft Sentinel tab. On the Configuration page, complete the following fields:



Bitwarden Identity Url

For Bitwarden cloud users, the default URL will be

For self-hosted Bitwarden users, input your self-hosted URL. Be sure that the URL does not include and trailing forward slashes at the end of the URL "/".

Bitwarden Api Url

For Bitwarden cloud users, the default URL will be

For self-hosted Bitwarden users, input your self-hosted URL. Be sure that the URL does not include and trailing forward slashes at the end of the URL "/".

Client ID

Input the value for client_id from the Bitwarden organization API key window.

Client Secret

Input the value for client_secret from the Bitwarden organization API key window.

Select Connect once the required fields have been completed.


Your organization API key enables full access to your organization. Keep your API key private. If you believe your API key has been compromised, select Settings > Organization info > Rotate API key button on this screen. Active implementations of your current API key will need to be reconfigured with the new key before use.

Start monitoring event logs


Historic event data is not available for the Bitwarden Event Logs app on Microsoft Sentinel at this time.

To start monitoring data in the Microsoft Sentinel directory, and select Workbooks and them Templates from the navigation menu.

Workbook Templates
Workbook Templates

The Bitwarden Event Logs app will have three templates included by default. Select one of the templates and choose View Template.

Included Templates
Included Templates

Select one of the templates to begin monitoring data. The dashboard include graphs and reported data:

Microsoft Sentinel Overview
Microsoft Sentinel Overview

Continue scrolling the overview page for additional event log data:


Customize reports

Customize the data displayed by reports

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